
Dog VinciThe Dog Vinci Code If you have read many dog training books, John Rogerson will give you something more to think about :) We trained with him in India early 2012 and he came to NZ in 2015 and we hosted him in April 2016

Sirius Puppy Training Contains "Sirius Puppy Training" DVD (DTB163) by Ian Dunbar and "How To Teach A New Dog Old Tricks" 
– Dr. Ian Dunbar

Teamwork: A dog training manual for people with disabilities Teaches people with physical disabilities to train their dogs in basic obedience as a foundation for service dog training!
– Stewart Nordensson & Lydia Kelley

How Smart is your dog? - 30 Fun Science Activities with your pet  *Won the Dog Writer's Association of America's Award, Best Children's Book of 2003! Get to know your best friend better by entering the world of canine senses. With this fun mix of activities, play, and science, kids can find out more about how dogs see, hear, smell, taste, and touch differently from humans, and how a dog's life and aging process differ from ours.

For The Love of Dog: Uunderstanding emotion in your and your best friend  Trish McConnell's book takes a look at canine emotions and body language. Like all her books, this one is written in a way that the average dog owner can follow but brings the latest scientific information that trainers and dog enthusiasts can use.
– Patricia B. McConnell 

101 Dog Tricks - Step by step activites to engage, challend and bond with your dog"101 Dog Tricks" is the largest trick book on the market and the only one presenting full-color photos of each trick and its training steps. 
Kyra Sundance

Small Animal Veterinalry Nerdbook The Small Animal Veterinary Nerdbook has become the profession's gold standard for finding the information you need for everyday clinical practice when and where you need it. 

This pocket-sized reference gives you immediate access to accurate, practical information on 21 subjects, with handy tab dividers and headers, as well as sleek tables and charts. 
Sophia Yin


Into the World

Dog Stealing Food

Dogs May Understand Human Point of View

Dr Juliane Kaminski, of the University of Portsmouth's Department of Psychology, has shown that when a human forbids a dog from taking food, dogs are four times more likely to disobey in a dark room than a lit room, suggesting they take into account what the human can or cannot see.

Read National Geographic article about this

Cadaver Dog

The Nose Knows: Can Cadaver Dogs Really Sniff Out 30-Year-Old Remains

Pure Bred Dogs

The Clinical Truths About Pure Breeds, Mixes, and Designer Breed.
There is a general misconception that mixed-breed dogs and cats are inherently free of genetic disease. This may be true for the rare breed-related disorders; but the common genetic diseases that are seen across all breeds are seen with the same frequency in mixed-breed dogs and cats.

The death of pet can hurt as much as the loss of a relative
It’s been four months, and yet if somebody asks me about that day, my voice will crack. By “that day,” I mean the day I came home from work to find my Doberman, Red, splayed out on my bedroom floor, his head to one side, his body lifeless but still warm. 

Science of dogs

How dogs developed smart pet tricksDomestication apparently 'hard-wired' the canines to understand their humans

Dogs deemed children's best friend in fight against obesity
The study of more than 1100 children aged five to 12 found they were in much better shape if they had a dog, even if they did not walk it regularly.

Take the Dog Quiz- see how well you know your best friend

Dog Bark

Dog Barks Reveal Universal LanguageWhat do dog barks have in common with bird tweets and human baby cries? All appear to communicate basic emotions, such as fear, aggression and submission.

Fur Color Linked to Dog Personality
A new study claims that coat color for at least one breed, the English cocker spaniel, reflects a pooch's personality. Prior research has suggested that fur color is also linked to behavior in labrador retrievers, while the type of fur - in this case, wiry or long - may indicate temperament in miniature dachshunds....



More Dogs

Inside a dogs mind

The Secrets Inside Your Dog's Mind

Canine cognition: How Dogs Think like Us (video)
Professor Brian Hare at Duke University studies people's pet dogs to understand how canines think

Ian Dunbar on effective dog training (video)

Are you fluent in Dog? Body posture in dogs is an easy factor to assess in the signaling repertoire, but we too often ignore it. Website shows common postures involving stance to help you understand what dogs are communicating and what their next movement might be.

Calming Signals - The Art of Survival
The dogs have about 30 calming signals, perhaps even more. Some of these signals are used by most dogs, while other dogs have an incredibly rich ´vocabulary´. It varies from dog to dog.

Combination SSRIs/TCAs: Your guide to treating behavioral disorders some of these medications can have greater treatment effects for some patients.

"Treat children like dogs, says animal behaviour expert" Telegraph, UK-- you have to read the article and view the video clip to understand the philosophy behind what he says...

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We are professionally trained dog trainers/behaviouralists. We teach and use best practice positive training methods to help you build the companion dog you and your family want.

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