Natalie Perzylo

Team Member One

Natalie Perzylo is pictured with her first dog Holmes. She is a trained teacher and understands about behaviour modification. She studied dog behaviour at Massey University, and CPIT.(now Ara)

Blair Anderson

Team Member Two

Dogs have been part of Blair Anderson's life for more than fifty years. He has trained hundreds of dogs and have a passion for how policy plays its part in enabling 'the naked dog'  to become our ultimate companion.

Max our Springer Spaniel/Poodle

Team Member Three

Max, the Springer Spaniel/Poodle lives with the team and welcomes every dog with his distinct wag. He teaches the rules of the house to those coming to live with him in the short term. Pls note: Max died December 2023, sadly..

Ian Dunbar, Patricia McConnell, Victoria Stillwell, John Rogerson

Other Teamsters

Our mentors have played a big part in guiding us to become better trainers and behaviouralist. Some are: John Rogerson, Ian Dunbar, Patricia McConnell, Victoria Stillwell, Stanley Coren....

Our continuing education

Both trainers attend many canine conferences with the Association of Pet Dog Trainers (APDT) NZ and other seminars online.

Some of the seminars include

Our mentors

The strongest leash of all is that invisible leash that connects one heart to another, and it's built of love & trust. The sad reality is that the heart's invisible leash is often broken or has never been built.

Dogs who wear collars do not have to wear them forever. The need for leads and collars begins to disappear as training progresses. If the training is thorough and followed through to off leash control, the collar becomes just another intermediate step in the training process.


It is up to the handler to continue training to the point where equipment is necessary only to obey leash laws and protect the dog.

Suzanne Clothier, world reknown dog trainer / behaviouralist .

About our School

We are professionally trained dog trainers/behaviouralists. We teach and use best practice positive training methods to help you build the companion dog you and your family want.

Stay in Touch!


Our Dog Store

iQ Dog Toys

We buy the most interesting dog toys. All of the products that we sell, we use. Many of our clients like the Easy Walk Harness for nice loose leash walking, our food dispensing toys for their dogs who need a bit of a challenge and see dog/human interactive toys. Click on to take you there.

Get in Touch

  • Phone:
    (03) 389 40 65 / 021 82 36 47
  • Email:
  • Address:
    Wainoni Road
    Christchurch, Canterbury
    New Zealand