Molly- cocker spaniel
Molly is 2.5 years old. She is spayed. A small cocker spaniel.
Her previous family no longer had time to devote to her and have entrusted us to find her a home.
Please fill in our Rehoming Application form
if you are interested in rehoming Molly_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
A few more details:
She lived with kids. She is friendly with dogs, and people.
She is fully vaccinated, and microchipped.
Molly walks well on a lead but can pull.. She comes back when called, however, a treat in hand will bring her back to your hand. She stays around you on walks. She doesn't approach people on walks. She will say hello to other dogs, but it's not a necessity
Molly doesn't bark. She waits at the back door to be let in. Although we have. dog door, she waits for the lid of the dog door to be lifted. Saying this, I haven't really tried for her to push the door open.
She has the most beautiful brown eyes that will melt your heart.
She has a good appetite.
She loves running and sniffing.
Molly is very subdude. She doesn't complain. She is absolute delight to have in our life.
Price includes
Bonus: Client prices are applicable for homestays for Molly ($38.50/day instead of $42/d.ay She is welcome to stay with us, subject to availability.
Please fill in our Rehoming Application form
Molly is suitable for a family wih children, or a retired couple. She would make an excellent dog for kids.