Rehoming in Christchurch, New Zealand

Rehomed- Molly- the Golden Retriever

My name used to be Momo, but my temporary family switched it to Molly because it was easier to say and I looked like a Molly. I definitely know my new name.

I lived with a famlly that now needs to move to Australia because of a great job offer. Unfortunately, they can't take me with them as they'll be renting a house, and it is just too difficult. I love New Zealand. No snakes, and the weather is great. I have a long coat so I need to be bruched everyday

I just love kids....I get on with other dogs, and I'm very quiet. I don't think that I have ever barked in my life! 

Please fill in our Rehoming Application form

if you are interested in rehoming Molly

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A few  more details:

Molly has been living with us for the past 2 weeks. She was very shy when she arrived. It took her 2 days to settled in, and has blossomed with having homestay dogs in our house, lots of dog walks, river walks... and some at-home stability.

Molly is a pure bred Golden Retriever

She was born on 12 Feb 2015

She is fully vaccinated, and microchipped.


Molly walks well on a lead. She comes back when called, however, you may have a few problems when she is near water. Any body of water, like muddy puddles, is her favourite. 

Molly doesn't bark. Her previous owners' neighbours never knew they had a dog, and they lived there for 4 years! 

She has the most beautiful brown eyes that will melt your heart.

She doesn't eat a lot.

She loves running and sniffing.

Molly is very subdude. She doesn't complain. She is absolute delight to have in our life. 

          Price $450 includes

  • dog training classes ($100),
  • leash,
  • bowl and dog food,
  • a book called Love Has No Age Limit- Welcoming an Adopted Dog into Your Home (retail $25)
  • Molly of course! microchipped and vaccinated !

    Bonus: Client prices are applicable for homestays for Molly ($30/day instead of $35/d. She is welcome to stay with us, subject to availability.

    Please fill in our Rehoming Application form

    if you are interested in rehoming Molly ---  Molly is suitable for a family with no dogs, and children !!  She would make an excellent dog for kids. 

    About our School

    We are professionally trained dog trainers/behaviouralists. We teach and use best practice positive training methods to help you build the companion dog you and your family want.

    Stay in Touch!

    Get in Touch

    • Phone:
      (03) 389 40 65 / 021 82 36 47
    • Email:
    • Address:
      Christchurch, Canterbury
      New Zealand