Ferrymead Dog Day Out 2017

natalie tram max2  Natalie and Max on the Tram. p1010651  The Tram Conductor telling us about the history of the village p1010657  Dogs on the tram. They are travelling well p1010658  Greyhounds enjoying the experience.
p1010665  This little dog was a little afraid, then settled in well p1010667  Natalie doing a selfie p1010668  Early morning pictures of the village dogs p1010669  Walking dogs in the village
p1010670  Great to see so many dogs p1010673  Dogs kissing.. p1010676  The tram went out of the village p1010677  Great view of Ferrymead
p1010681  The new acquired tram p1010682  Dogs getting off the tram p1010683  Dogs outside of the tram p1010685  and more dogs
p1010686  Max enjoying a snack inside the Ferrymead house p1010689  Printing press managed by young volunteers p1010690  Printing press having a life p1010693  The movement of dogs
p1010697  A young volunteer teaching me how to use the machine p1010698  Max is very impressed with the poem p1010699  The dog poem from the printing press p1010700  Blair explaing our Hide and Scent Workshops
p1010701  Behind the school house! p1010702  Our School of the Naked Dog stand p1010703  We were appropriately beside the school house! p1010704  Dogs walking in the village
p1010705  People enjoying the 26degrees! p1010707  Max and our furry friend allowed in the bakery p1010711  The theatre was geared for dogs and their owners p1010712  Not a fire hydrant, but pretty close
p1010713  The old telephone exchange p1010714  Max enjoying a frozen chicken broth treat while I had a coffee p1010715  Lunch time p1010716  Dogs in action
p1010720  Our second workshop for Hide & Scent Workshop. p1010722  Inside the school house. A lot of reference about dogs. p1010723  Someone put in a lot of work to develop a great display of dogs in literature. p1010724  Dogs in literature
p1010725  Dogs in literature p1010726  Piano and dogs! p1010727  The gramaphone dedicated to dogs p1010728  The Ferrymead Dog
p1010729  The teacher describing how they gave the strap. p1010706  Check what the print on the wall !